Can I borrow a book, DVD, CD, or article that the library does not have?
If a book or article that you need is not unavailable through the McCarthy Library, there's a good chance we can get it for you!
Books and Media
Napa Public Library: If a book, DVD, CD, or other media is not available at the McCarthy Library, but you see that it is available at a Napa Public Library in the Library Catalog, you can either pick it up from that library or request to have it sent to the McCarthy Library. From the listing for the item, select "Place Hold" button, log in with your library card, and select Napa Valley College as your Pickup Library. It can take anywhere from 1-7 days for an item to be transported to the McCarthy Library.
Link+: If a book, DVD, CD, or other media is not available through the Library Catalog, there's a good chance you can get it through our global interlibrary loan service Link+. Search Link+ for the item you are looking for, select the "Request It" button, choose Napa Valley College as your pickup location, and submit the request. It can take up to 3 weeks for an item to be shipped using Link+.
If you are unable to access an article that you need, please email with the title, author(s), year, and any other useful information and a librarian will request the article on your behalf. If the library is able to get access to the article, a librarian will email it to you as soon as possible. In some circumstances, the library may be unable to obtain the article. If that happens, librarians will do their best to find an alternative article that meets your needs.